
Shadow Shot Sunday #150

Man and man's best friend.
Dog and dog's best friend.

9 kommentarer:

  1. So sweet! Love how the dog seems to be looking toward the man...like a sense of loyalty and friendship!

  2. Hinandens bedste venner...Flot billede..;-D

  3. Skyggebillede af blogføreren og Frederik, gætter jeg på.. :-)

  4. Aner man en labrador???

  5. Og jeg er dobbelt heldig, for jeg ser mine 2 bedste venner ;-)

  6. Reminds me of Sherlock Holmes...with the hat. And the shadow of the dog..well, his name is Watson of course!

    Monarch Butterfly Link

    Happy Sunday.

  7. Svar til flere: Jo, det er mig og Frederik. Han er ikke labrador, men halvt samojede og halvt golden retriever.

    Greyscale - Yes he is just the best dog in the world.

    HOOTIN ANNIE - Sherlock Holmes and Watson, thanks for the compliment. Do not tell anyone, but it happens that we are helping police to solve very difficult crimes

  8. Gorgeous shadows shot!
    My Shadow, have a blessed Sunday!

  9. That's so sweet! Dogs are such great companions! I love your comment about helping the police solve difficult crimes. What a wonderful and clever team you are ;) Have a great week!


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